What makes my coaching different?

There are many pathways to changing a mindset. I have studied many and use what works.

There is more and more science and research now available to support what in the past would have been called “woo woo”. For me it’s simple, if it works, I use it.

Language: The most effective tool I use is changing the words you use. Thought or spoken, words reflect what’s inside us, changing your language changes your life.

5 Step Personal Coaching Program

Whilst each program is tailored just to you, these are standard steps included in my program.

Click on step title to see show more.

We start with an enquiry to be clear what your goal is, why you want it and check the alignment between your goal and your life.

We chunk down the steps to your goal into small easily achieved pieces and deal with any self-sabotaging habits with easy to conquer actions..

Most people are stopped by feelings because they don’t understand the simple biology working against them. Learn your brain’s tricks and turn off your auto-pilot.

We have weekly scheduled phone calls and daily communications. Seven days a week I am both your coach and your cheer squad. Together, you will win!

Were you raised not to brag or at the effect of tall poppy syndrome? Celebrating wins is important. All our conversations are confidential and we will safely go wild celebrating all your successes! You got this.

Why get a life coach?

because you are worth it.
you get one life as you are now on this earth.
no practice runs, no re-runs, just one life.
make it count. you deserve happiness, fulfillment and success in whatever it is your hearts yearns for. trust yourself.

Take a look at the testimonials page. These amazing women are making a difference for their families, their friends and themselves with their newfound confidence and successes.
Success really does breed success, and not just within ourselves, in those around us too.

Book a free call now!

A peek inside my life.

In 2001, as a small business owner and mother of three young daughters, I was suffering regular migraines, feeling more and more out of control in life and pretty much anxious and angry about it all.

Fast forward 23 years of personal and professional development, buckets of tears and laughter, only 2 migraines in all that time and I am LOVING my life. I am literally living my childhood dream which I gave up on when I was 12 years old. Sure crap has happened along the way, and for as long as I am a caring person there will be more hurt to come, and that’s ok. It’s worth it to feel the happiness that comes with living life to the full. This is what I want for every woman.

As part of my commitment to future generations, I also volunteer as a mentor for Raise Foundation. If you have a few spare hours a week I very much recommend checking out this amazing program. All training is provided.

a pathway to happiness is to be of service

Coaching Basics

How will it happen?

All coaching is done by phone. We will have weekly scheduled calls. Our first call will be around 90 minutes and following calls 30-60 minutes. Every day we will communicate multiple times by text, total of 2-5 minutes per day. We may have additional calls also.

How long is a program?

A highly effective program with lasting results will take three months, strong muscles aren’t developed in a week, same with the brain. Invoices are monthly and you may stop at any time and cease payments if your circumstances change.

How much does it cost?

Coaching is $495 for the first month and $440 per month thereafter. Coaching may be tax deductable, check with your accountant. Some work places also sponsor coaching. This is a flat rate. I don’t do sales, I do results.

Like muscles in your body, your brain takes time to master new exercises and become strong.

Coaching and motivation are very different. Effective coaching lasts a lifetime, motivation lasts a moment.