When your passion for horses is dulled by frustration or nerves,
call me.

If you’re reading this and feeling self-doubt, fear of failure, anxious about being judged and what others think, feeling like you don’t belong, finding excuses not to ride or not to enter that competition or to scratch from that competition you have entered, Selina’s coaching can help turn it around and bring the joy back with your horse.

Somewhere along the way I’d lost the fun and my earlier enjoyment of riding had become an angst-ridden experience. I’ve realised that my perfectionist self has been a fun-sponge and has been sucking away my joy of riding, with my horse increasingly sharing this feeling. I’m very grateful for finding Selina….

I’m at the tail end of Selina’s mindset program and I can genuinely say that no other coach or clinic has been so impactful on my riding. There’s been this fundamental shift in my self-belief. I’ve let go of a whole bunch of crap that had been weighing me down, without me even realising it was there. All the negatives are gone – fear of failure, judgement, expectations. I’m enjoying riding like I did as a child and am in the moment with my horse like never before. And OMG I’m excited to compete again! 

After 18 months of not getting on a horse, in 13 weeks, I went from a person who dreamed of riding to competing on a horse that had been sitting in a paddock for 3 years and placing 3rd and 9th out of 40 riders, at a massive, busy competition of 800 combinations.


My everyday life, relationships, work life have all benefited from my participation with Selina. I am able to make the right decisions for myself, no matter how daunting it may look at the time.       


                  ~ Bethany Gavalakis

can clearly recall my first conversation with Selina, the words, ‘I just hate myself’ rolled so easily off my tongue. I was a high functioning, multi-tasking, successful corporate manager and mother of two; people who knew me would have told you I was a lovely person with a big smile, and certainly nothing was ever too much trouble for me to not help out with.

Thank goodness the universe placed Selina in my path, (twice), and the second time I was brave enough to pick up the phone. I am not sure exactly what I expected, but what I found was an understanding, tremendously insightful woman who had definitely walked in my shoes. Her life coaching program helped me reflect on my thoughts and feelings, and educated me to gain an understanding of the incredible protective measures that our brains have. The self-awareness that I developed was profound. Taking control of my internal dialogue, understanding the power of language and changing the words I spoke awoke a strong sense of being. I
found myself consciously aware of the beautiful world around me, pausing to appreciate others, and most importantly feeling without doubt, that I was in control of my life. The strategies and exercises that Selina skilfully assisted me in navigating have stayed with me. Better yet, I have been able to initiate conversations amongst friends and family about the importance of language and taking control of my ‘inner voice’. If you are hesitant to take the first step,
or don’t think that life coaching can help you, 
take a chance and permit yourself to be vulnerable, even just for a few moments. There is a wonderful world full of confidence, self-worth and joy………… if you can just take a step to improve your mindset.

                                          – Abbie Hunt

Having previously aimed my coaching for equestrians, a lot of testimonials seem to be about horses. I invite you to notice how many talk about how results showed up in every area of life.
Horses are a passion, what is your passion? Career, parenting, relationship, self-care?
Whatever you really care about you can take next level?
My name is Selina, I am a highly effective mindset coach and my number is on 0414225265. Please call for a free first chat.


Interview video with Donna Sinclair about her results

As Donna says in her video, she has been capable of winning for so long however in every discipline she has competed in the same one problem held her back, competition nerves.  No amount of clinics and time was making a difference to this.  Curiousity led to her reaching out and now nothing is holding her back.  


Mindset coaching is for every level rider, it’s not about your capability to ride.  Mindset coaching is about getting out of your head and riding from your heart, being free from mind clutter to get out there and do what you know you can do and enjoy it with your horse.




Since recording this video Donna has qualified in top 15 lady riders to compete at nationals and came 6th in Ladies division.  

Donna has also won at local drafts and made numerous finals on her horses.  

Best of all though, she is having a blast enjoying it all!

I went to Selina because I had lost my mojo when it came to my riding. I wasn’t scared just lost myself and my belief in myself! After six weeks not only had I found my mojo with my riding but personally I was kicking goals!! I learnt how to believe in myself, have trust, acknowledge my failures and successes and most of all realising that I can’t change the past but can keep moving forward.


Selina, you are a true healer…..

I can’t wait to see what happens next…..

Thanks again!! 💙💙💙🌈


… update 2 weeks …

 Hey, I found another level yesterday, had a heap of wins fine tuning my mare. Thank you, I was such a free feeling, I haven’t had that for years.   

What a feeling!!!   💙💙         ~ Chardell O’Neill

In any area of life, if you feel you have a loss of power or a lack of freedom, it starts and ends with language. Both the words we use in self-talk and those we use when communicating with others.
My coaching is simple: change your language, change your life.

Call Selina on 0414225265 to find out more.


Contact Selina on 0414225265

Before attending the Equestrian Confidence training course, I felt insecure about myself and my riding. I would often go into a test with a huge amount of nerves resulting in multiple course errors and an often red face. It didn’t matter how often I ran through my test or prepared myself, I just couldn’t get past the fear of failure I held inside. Fast forward to finishing the Equestrian Confidence course and I now find my nerves have turned into excitment and I am nailing my dressage test and coming out feeling happy. My horse and I have a new lease of our riding life! It’s brilliant, can’t recommend Selina’s coaching highly enough!!


                           ~Kuyan Rider

What a fabulous experience I had in my coaching time with Selina.  I ended up using her services for various other parts of my life, not just my horse riding.  I have benefited hugely from the techniques and tools Selina has taught me.


                           ~Kelly Tombs

Thank you for still being here checking out what is possible from my coaching. I invite you to call me.
First thing we will chat about is what has interested you on my website. Then I will answer any questions you may have and see what conversation strikes from there. No obligation, that simple.
Call me, Selina, on 0414225265 for a chat between 8am-8pm Brisbane time.


I had always struggled with imposter syndrome and anxiety leading up to and on competition days, however, it was getting worse and occurring in the lead up to lessons or even just riding with others. I realised I needed help and Selina reached out. Honestly, the program is hard to explain. There is so much information that impacts and relates to people differently. Selina is so insightful and has a wonderful way of challenging your language or thinking in a kind and supportive way. I found I was self sabotaging myself through comparing to others, judging myself and my horse unfairly, and I was scared to acknowledge achievements ( no matter how small).


I discovered that I was scared to actually show up for my horse and myself. What a horrible feeling that would have been for my horses. I now have so much faith and trust in my horse, our connection and training. I am feeling so much more confident to acknowledge our achievements. 

Curious but still stopped by something?
I invite you to reflect as follows.
1. What has you be curious/interest on my website?
2. Come up with one or two reasons for not calling me.
3. Reflect and see if those reason play out in areas of your life you truly care about.
4. If you can see the pattern, I invite you to have your a free breakthrough simply by calling and chatting with me.
For a friendly chat call me on 0414225265


After 6 years of playing polo I was looking for a new discipline for myself and my horses. Terrible nerves whilst competing at shows and a feeling of not really fitting into what I was doing had left me feeling lost and disenchanted…. fast forward after mindset coaching – I no longer feel embarrassed that we have tried so many different disciplines – I feel proud that I gave them a shot and that my horses acquitted themselves well. I no longer feel like I “have to” aim for something in particular and “Should” be going to every event – should has gone from my vocabulary! I am enjoying my horses and the things we do – I have opened my eyes and embraced a new sport which I totally love and have found the feeling of Community and belonging which Selina had identified was missing from my horse activities. I now feel excited for the future and am so grateful to Selina. I still get nervous heading to a

Show or event but it’s more in anticipation and excitement than stupid overwhelming nerves.

You too can have results like these. Contact Selina on 0414225265

I’ve taken the word fear out of my life and unconsciously unwanted things went with it. I knew, though Selina proved to me, that words create memory and thought patterns and in turn control our second brain. I am yet facing another life challenge and each day people, use the phrases: I am so worried about you, You must be so worried. No im not.I ask that before you use the word worry- think of what you really feel or mean and see how your life can and will change if you delete this word from your life. Just like I no longer use the “f” word…. (fear)


– Julie Mulder

Well there is another testimonial below and more about to be published though, what I would really love is to chat. You seem very committed to something to still be reading my page, certainly very curious about something, care to share?
My number is 0414225265, chat soon.


I can irrevocably say that Selina’s mindset coaching is showing me the way to being the person I have always wanted to be, so I can achieve my riding goals. When I came to Selina requesting coaching five months ago, I’d stopped believing in my long-harboured dreams to compete at the highest level. In my early teens I’d decided I was going to be a 4* event rider, even though I was riding a pony in pre-intro at the time. I certainly wasn’t set up with flash or educated horses (and didn’t even have a lesson til I was 15), however I figured if I gave it all I had, I would make up for it in hard work and determination. I was happy and proud when I got a horse to Pre-Novice at 17, and once I finished school I began teaching and taking horses for schooling on the side, which delighted me to prove to everyone and myself I could make some sort of living out of horses. But as for the competing? Well, I struggled around Intro and Prelim on borrowed horses and my own young horses that seemed to get sick or injured whenever they started going well. Meanwhile, I watched riders I’d been competing with as a junior, or who’d been at a much lower level than me (even riders I used to teach!), soar ahead to 1*, 2* and even 3*.

I tried to stay positive, but unconsciously I was disassociating myself from people out of shame, I couldn’t be one of ‘them’. And every time a horse I was riding started to go well I was dreading the day something would happen to it. Naturally humble and a little shy, I found it very hard to put myself out there and coasted along a word of mouth strategy for getting coaching/training work and occasionally competition rides, while wistfully watching those who ‘could’, go out and grab some seriously big opportunities.


I didn’t know it back then, but Selina’s coaching was exactly what I’d been waiting for. No changes happened overnight, but within a month I had my old flame of ambition back (and a much more mature version of it), and I was amazed at what opportunities were starting to show up when I changed my mindset. Within two months, I was almost craving situations that I’d find uncomfortable but could give me opportunities, and had secured a sponsorship from a major company – something that a couple of months earlier I wouldn’t have dreamed of. Three months of mindset coaching and I was really noticing a difference in the confidence in the way I trained my horses, and it really showed in them. Four months in and I’m totally committed to achieving my four star dreams, and because I am now the person who ‘can’ put themselves out there, confident that I will!


Four months ago, I felt like my riding was stuck in a rut, and looked to the future with uncertainty and even anxiety. Now, I’m committed to and excited for the days, months and years ahead, and my riding is back on the road to the top. I’m so grateful for my mindset coaching, and the best part is this is just the beginning!


Whether you are struggling to overcome a fear, battling lack of confidence in yourself, feeling a little ‘stuck’ in your riding, or even feel like you might be responsible for holding yourself back, do yourself a favour and get in touch with Selina. If you truly want to improve yourself as a rider, I promise you will be so thankful that you did.

We all have defining moments in our lives. 

You are now at the bottom of the page  

Will you call?  

My name is Selina and my number is 0414225265
I look forward to hearing from you.