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You will never have spare time and it will never be the right time.

No more reasons.

You can literally do this program during your daily bathroom sits.

Mindset coaching is for every rider striving to be their best 

Freedom from nerves

What would you do if nerves, self-sabotage or excuses no longer weighed you and your horse down? Be sure to find out about our upcoming free webinars, programs and scholarships.

We can improve on what we know,
It takes knowing what we don't yet know to have breakthroughs.

Meet your mindset coach

If you are reading this then let’s say you are curious.  I invite you to think of three reasons why you wouldn’t give it a go.  Once you have your three reasons, have a look at what might cause you to have these reasons.  When you have answered that for yourself, then ask yourself “are these the same reasons and/or feelings that are slowing me or stopping me from riding my best anywhere anytime.
If you answered yes, this is now an opportunity for only $29 to have your first breakthrough in freedom, courage and trust.

Meet your mindset coach
Selina Iddon

Whilst always having a passion for horses, I was 40+ before our family packed up our suburban lifestyle and followed my dream. I then studied and become a certified life coach with International Coaches Federation and undertook MANY other personal development and training courses.  Also participating in many horsemanship clinics, my business focus was drawn to equestrians facing the same challenges I was working through.  Over the past 10 years I have modified exercises and performance techniques specifically for equestrians.  Phone private coaching, zoom online seminars and running my own clinics, the result has been hundreds of happy clients with incredible results. Now, after 6+ years in the making, I am sharing the best of my tried and tested methods in this online program. 

Thank you for considering this program and I look forward to hearing about your amazing results.

Are you still on the fence? Ouch! This video is for you.