When you’re ready,
I’m here for you.

You only have one precious life,

live it with joy.

We have one life. We have a given number of days to live it. If you are not living your best life, if you are frustrated or just surviving your days away, let me show you how to break sabotaging cycles, rediscover your self-worth and enjoy doing what you love.

if not now, when?


Everything starts with an action. Well done! You are here, you have taken an action.
You have shown the curiosity, desire and courage to succeed. Keep going!

Have you ever stopped and thought ‘why’ or ‘what for’?

Capable strong women so often give give give only to find themselves unbalanced and feeling trapped by expectations.

Freedom isn’t found by learning more OR doing morE. Freedom is not “shoulding” on ourselves.

Before jumping in to help others, one must first be able to swim. It’s good for everyone to make ourself a priority.

what do I offer?

about coaching

have questions?

contact me

time to focus on what’s important?

When alignment is out,
anxiety creeps in.

It happens slowly. It happens in tiny little bits. We are there for others and whilst we may love them, slowly resentment, fear of losing them and feeling out of control sneak in. Then comes the guilt for feeling that way, then either anxiety, anger, withdrawal or all three. It’s a downward spiral feeling stuck in a self-sabotaging cycle, not in every area of our lives, but in places that are important to us. It can feel like a war within ourselves, like we have to choose between our life and our dreams and we can’t have both. I am here to tell you “if you can dream it, if you really want it, if you are willing to be coachable, you can achieve it”.

Is your comfort zone really that comfortable?


Taking back control.

Is my coaching for you?

I invite you to read the many testimonials on this and other pages. If you want results like confidence, fulfilment, regaining control, career success, self-worth, love, connection, performance results and more, then I am probably the right coach for you.

Typical results that clients share include:

  • feeling back in control
  • a renewed sense freedom and power
  • improved relationships with family and friends
  • enjoying competitions and success
  • new opportunities at work or in business
  • a sense of freedom
  • being happier and healthier
  • plus many many more.

Check out the testimonials page.



Taking back control.


Check out the ‘About’ page for more information about myself and my coaching.

Loving our lives is about how we experience what we are doing and what is going on around us.

Results require action. Sure we may fluke a result, I am talking reliable, lasting, deliberate results, the fulfilling kind.

I have studied many styles and techniques over the past 20+ years and simply, if they work and they are respectful of your values, I use them. I don’t specialise in any one pathway.

The nuts and bolts of my coaching is one phone call a week and accountability texts every day. Every program is uniquely tailored. Call lengths, number of calls, extra calls, extra texts, all up to you. My commitment is to your success.

Minimum three months is ideal. Payments are monthly and you can stop any time, however like building muscles exercising, the brain too takes time. Destructive habits are created over a life-time; it takes time for the brain to believe it is possible and to allow change.

Yes. On the testimonials page I have made a category for testimonials which reflect back years to my coaching. For lasting results though, I recommend an immersive workshop or minimum three months personal coaching.

Motivation is for a moment or two. It’s the brain’s way of distracting you from making long-lasting peaceful change. Motivation requires constant attention; coaching works on the underlying self-sabotaging habits. When habits change, results just happen.

Life Balance

The ideal that balance means even or fair is simply unworkable. If we expect what others appear to have it leads to resentment and unhappiness. Our dreams have a cost, small dreams, small cost, big dreams, bigger cost, different goals, different costs. You are unique, your goals are unique and therefore what life balance is for you will be unique, AND you can still enjoy it ALL. Coaching will start with reflecting on what balance could look like for you and then keep reassessing along the way as you become empowered in all areas of your life. Balance is the ability to experience empowerment and happiness everywhere while succeeding where it matters for you.

I’m keen to hear what you care about.

It seems there is something important to you that may not be working as well as you would like right now. If anything were possible in that area of your life, what would you want?

I invite you to contact me for a friendly chat about it. Just fill out the form below and I will get back to you within 24 hours during my business days.