If you’re reading this and feeling self-doubt, fear of failure, anxious about being judged and what others think, feeling like you don’t belong, finding excuses not to ride or not to enter that competition or to scratch from that competition you have entered, Selina’s coaching can help turn it around and bring the joy back with your horse.

Somewhere along the way I’d lost the fun and my earlier enjoyment of riding had become an angst-ridden experience. I’ve realised that my perfectionist self has been a fun-sponge and has been sucking away my joy of riding, with my horse increasingly sharing this feeling. I’m very grateful for finding Selina….

I’m at the tail end of Selina’s mindset program and I can genuinely say that no other coach or clinic has been so impactful on my riding. There’s been this fundamental shift in my self-belief. I’ve let go of a whole bunch of crap that had been weighing me down, without me even realising it was there. All the negatives are gone – fear of failure, judgement, expectations. I’m enjoying riding like I did as a child and am in the moment with my horse like never before. And OMG I’m excited to compete again! 

~Justine Dean

p.s. Justine has now gone on to ride at Masters Level in Working Equitation and is kicking ass, both competing and having fun while doing it.

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