New lease of life

Before attending the Selina’s online program, I felt insecure about myself and my riding. I would often go into a test with a huge amount of nerves resulting in multiple course errors and an often red face. It didn’t matter how often I ran through my test or prepared myself, I just couldn’t get past the fear of failure I held inside.

Fast forward to finishing the course and I now find my nerves have turned into excitement and I am nailing my dressage test and coming out feeling happy. My horse and I have a new lease of our riding life! It’s brilliant, can’t recommend Selina’s coaching highly enough!!

Kuyan Rider

Set Free!

Selina is really intuitive with where you are at in your life. I’m not talking life stories, I’m talking how you use words and your non verbal communication. Selina listens very well to what you say, and how you hold yourself, then picks up on things that I didn’t even think about. One of the words Selina picked up for me was being free.

There were some pics taken where I thought oh my I have aged and put on the pounds, but the look on my face said it all I looked happy and free. I can honestly say I have never looked at myself looking like that in my whole life.

I know after meeting Selina that some of the areas in my life will improve, and I have been sharing with the world a bit of a different person on the outside.

Thank you Selina, I can honestly say you have empowered me, and I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me.


I had a truly transformative experience over the weekend! Selina’s approach to fostering an atmosphere of trust and openness seems made a significant impact. Mindset is indeed a powerful starting point for any change, and having someone guide you through that process made all the difference. We were a mixed group, not everyone knew everyone, Selina guided us through sharing our stories and inviting participation, making it easy to open up and in doing so, get the most from the ideas and learnings. ! It’s amazing how a skilled facilitator like Selina can create such a supportive environment. It was quite impactful to share stories and connect with others in the group Selina’s openness and caring made the process of identifying our challenges and how to make a start on overcoming them so that I can apply what I’ve learned into my daily life.

I wish you every success with your future clinics, I am certain many people will benefit from what you have to offer.



Hi Selina,

Thought I’d give you an update on how we’re going since doing the program- not many events due to weather etc, but ventured afar two weeks ago to Nowra for jumping- not only did I drive the truck there and back, but also placed in all classes-

4 & 5 in 90cm and 1st and 2nd in the 100cm- woohoo!!

Always working on my mindset!

Thank you x

Toni Wallace

Note: Receiving texts like this months after coaching is finished make my day.

Winning is good, having fun is great

I don’t think I can put a value on Selina’s mindset coaching.

It’s priceless. You just don’t get that from any clinic that you go to. Everyone can be taught to ride better, but without the right mindset it doesn’t make a difference. My competition nerves were crippling. No matter how much more I learnt or practiced, it all fell apart when I rode into the camp / arena.

Since coaching I have won and placed and made women’s finals for ABCRA. That’s good, but what matters to me is I having fun again, even at competitions.

Donna Sinclair

Anything is possible now

I found Equestrian Confidence one day when it flashed up on my newsfeed on Facebook.

It was like it screamed at me from through my phone, everything I was feeling with my horses and horse riding – anxiety, nerves, lack of motivation, where do I begin, all these things were holding me back from following my dreams and I had finally found an outlet that exactly understood all those feelings I was having. And the best part – offered a solution.

Of course, it took me some deliberation to contact Selina, I was having the same discussion and argument with myself that I did when it came to doing something with my horses.

It didn’t take long and I had started my phone coaching with Selina. Looking back on it, all I can say is wow. From the moments that happened in those weeks of coaching, the person who I was and the person I was being, then including so much that was conquered, it has all really altered my life in such a way that I now know that I am living on the path I am meant to be, a life that I had been dreaming of for so long, a life that I want.

I started riding again once I started my calls with Selina. I hadn’t ridden in about 18 months and the horse I brought into work hadn’t been ridden in at least 2/3 years. It was winter so the weather wasn’t great, the days got dark early and I was working full time, all excellent excuses for someone to not want to ride. This did not stop me, I found the motivation and drive that I was hiding in me, I kept riding. My horse was not easy and he tested me a lot. This did not stop me either, I found the courage I had in myself and began to trust my ability and I kept riding.

In 13 weeks, I went from a person who dreamed of riding to becoming a horse rider, competing a horse that had been sitting in a paddock for 3 years to a horse that was now a dressage diva that scored 10’s in his first ever Dressage tests and placed 3rd and 9th out of 40 riders, at a massive, busy competition of 800 combinations over various levels.

My everyday life, relationships, work life have all benefited from Selina’s coaching. I am able to make the right decisions for myself, no matter how daunting it may look at the time I trust myself now, I have motivation and I have courage to make anything I want possible.

Thank you Selina, I will always be grateful for the chapter you wrote into my life.

Trust and confidence

Before mindset coaching Jane said “my biggest challenge is trust and confidence”.

ONE month later she was riding the trails bitless and not even a halter at home.

Her summary of the results: “It was definitely a confidence thing”.


1 year goal – tick

Hi Selina, I DID IT!

I took the horse I’ve started to a campdraft, my goal I set last year at the clinic. Achieving his goal I place solely on you, the guidance and direction you gave me by actually writing down realistic goals, breaking it down and giving me a timeline. It stuck with me. It made it real, achievable and my god, I DID IT!

By Sunday afternoon I was absolutely buzzing with a mixture of pride, adrenaline and love for my new little horse and myself.

Angela Harvey

Passing it forward

As a riding coach I saw first hand what Selina’s mindset coaching did for my clients, so I tried it myself. Results were amazing, not only personally, but in my business too.

A great bonus is that Selina’s techniques and tools are so simple and easy to apply that I can now use them during lessons with my clients; making it easier to coach them and achieving greater results.

Julieann Baulch

Mojo is back

After six weeks not only had I found my mojo with my riding but personally I was kicking goals!!

I learnt how to believe in myself, have trust, acknowledge my failures and successes

Chardell O’Neill