Unexpected results

I am so grateful for the opportunity to complete Selina’s course. Both online and live group coaching, packed with useful information, the course is incredibly motivating.

I truly did not expect the self reflection and production of results that I got out of it.

Thank you again and I cannot recommend Selina’s coaching highly enough.

Holly Teage

Note: Holly is not an equestrian and participated in one of my 6 week equestrian programs anyway. Her results speak to “what happens somewhere in our life happens other places too”.


Selina has helped me immeasurably. Her support and inspiration has completely changed the way I approach (problems) opportunities for growth. I have worked with her now for three years and am so grateful for the skills, clarity and alignment she has helped me achieve.

I have gone from Sales Rep, to Sales Manager, to running my own company with a sales team targeted to turn over $8 million this year.

I highly recommend you open yourself and allow her to facilitate you achieving your goals which may be bigger than you have even imagined yet.

~Kelly Tombs
@ wealth for women Australia

It’s ok to shine

 had always struggled with imposter syndrome and anxiety leading up to and on competition days, however, it was getting worse and occurring in the lead up to lessons or even just riding with others. I realised I needed help and Selina reached out. Honestly, the program is hard to explain. There is so much information that impacts and relates to people differently. Selina is so insightful and has a wonderful way of challenging your language or thinking in a kind and supportive way. I found I was self sabotaging myself through comparing to others, judging myself and my horse unfairly, and I was scared to acknowledge achievements ( no matter how small).

I discovered that I was scared to actually show up for my horse and myself. What a horrible feeling that would have been for my horses. I now have so much faith and trust in my horse, our connection and training plus feeling so much more confident to acknowledge our achievements. 

I am feeling brave and courageous and really looking forward to competing this year. Thank you so much Selina!!

I recommend Selina’s program to absolutely anyone.

No fear

Thanks to Selina I’ve taken the word ‘fear’ out of my vocabulary and unconsciously unwanted things went with it. 

I knew, though Selina proved to me, that words create memory and thought patterns and in turn control our second brain. I am yet facing another life challenge and each day people, use the phrases: “I am so worried about you” or “You must be so worried”. No I’m not. 

I ask that before you use the word worry- think of what you really feel or mean and see how your life can and will change if you delete this word from your life. Just like I no longer use the “f” word…. (fear)

Julie Mulder

Excited now, not nervous

After 6 years of playing polo I was looking for a new discipline for myself and my horses. Terrible nerves whilst competing at shows and a feeling of not really fitting into what I was doing had left me feeling lost and disenchanted…. fast forward after mindset coaching – I no longer feel embarrassed that we have tried so many different disciplines – I feel proud that I gave them a shot and that my horses acquitted themselves well. I no longer feel like I “have to” aim for something in particular and “should” be going to every event – should has gone from my vocabulary!

I am enjoying my horses and the things we do – I have opened my eyes and embraced a new sport which I totally love and have found the feeling of community and belonging which Selina had identified was missing from my horse activities. I now feel excited for the future and am so grateful to Selina. I still get nervous heading to a show or event but it’s more in anticipation and excitement than stupid overwhelming nerves.

~ Sue Croser

Kicking goals

I have worked with Selina a couple of times over the past 5 years and cannot even put into words how amazing it has been for me! Initially connected through a friend who had previously done coaching with Selina, I undertook coaching with her to work through some mental blockers I was placing on myself when it came to progressing in my career. 

Following coaching, I secured a new role that was a more challenge and a huge pay rise. I felt confident to put myself out there because of the work we had done. 

More recently, I had gone through some trauma and who I was initially placed with wasn’t able to gel with me. I reached out to Selina and within a couple of months she had me back feeling a million dollars. 

Selina is bright, encouraging and also no nonsense. She is able to adapt to whatever comes up for you and help you work through it.

Her coaching has taught me tools and tricks that I continue to use every day.  I couldn’t recommend her more!  

~ Dee Brack

Empowering others now

A friend of mine was telling me about this great coach who was helping her not only with all things equine, but in her life path as well.  While I don’t ride, I was in a particularly bad spot at work that I wanted to work through.  

I am tremendously thankful that I picked up the phone and called Selina as I got so much more from her coaching that I ever would have anticipated.  Taking control of language was a game changer for me, not only verbally but also the internal language I was using. 

Tactics for dealing with difficult conversations and changing the way I approached meetings to remove the stress helped me achieve the outcome I wanted.  Learning how to take the power away from another person by not playing their game and knowing when to step back and assess really helped me move through the work issues. 

Selina guided me to learn that I am enough and I empower others, that “resentment is a poison that you choose to drink from” and also to CELEBRATE. 

Powerful words.  Thank you Selina.     

~ Jennifer Padman

Note: Jen went on to get publicly awarded at work for her contribution.

Realising dreams

When I came to Selina requesting coaching five months ago, I’d stopped believing in my long-harboured dreams. I tried to stay positive, but unconsciously I was disassociating myself from people out of shame, I couldn’t be one of ‘them’. 

 I didn’t know it back then, but Selina’s coaching was exactly what I’d been waiting for. No changes happened overnight, but within a month I had my old flame of ambition back (and a much more mature version of it), and I was amazed at what opportunities were starting to show up when I changed my mindset. 

Within two months, I was almost craving situations that I’d find uncomfortable but could give me opportunities, and had secured a sponsorship from a major company – something that a couple of months earlier I wouldn’t have dreamed of. Three months of mindset coaching and I was really noticing a difference in the confidence in the way I trained. 

Four months in and I’m totally committed to achieving my dreams, and because I am now the person who ‘can’ put themselves out there, confident that I will!

Four months ago, I felt stuck in a rut, and looked to the future with uncertainty and even anxiety. Now, I’m committed to and excited for the days, months and years ahead. I’m so grateful for my mindset coaching, and the best part is this is just the beginning!

Whether you are struggling to overcome a fear, battling lack of confidence in yourself, feeling a little ‘stuck’, or even feel like you might be responsible for holding yourself back, do yourself a favour and get in touch with Selina.  I promise you will be so thankful that you did.

~ Enya Crockford

When ability adds mindset coaching

If you’re reading this and feeling self-doubt, fear of failure, anxious about being judged and what others think, feeling like you don’t belong, finding excuses not to ride or not to enter that competition or to scratch from that competition you have entered, Selina’s coaching can help turn it around and bring the joy back with your horse.

Somewhere along the way I’d lost the fun and my earlier enjoyment of riding had become an angst-ridden experience. I’ve realised that my perfectionist self has been a fun-sponge and has been sucking away my joy of riding, with my horse increasingly sharing this feeling. I’m very grateful for finding Selina….

I’m at the tail end of Selina’s mindset program and I can genuinely say that no other coach or clinic has been so impactful on my riding. There’s been this fundamental shift in my self-belief. I’ve let go of a whole bunch of crap that had been weighing me down, without me even realising it was there. All the negatives are gone – fear of failure, judgement, expectations. I’m enjoying riding like I did as a child and am in the moment with my horse like never before. And OMG I’m excited to compete again! 

~Justine Dean

p.s. Justine has now gone on to ride at Masters Level in Working Equitation and is kicking ass, both competing and having fun while doing it.


Everything is related. Some personal stuff was affecting my riding and with Selina’s coaching I cleared the block and was back to competing my best.

It sounds simple now, it wasn’t simple when I was stuck.

~Liz Hodges